Beach vacation header image


days to go

Beach vacation header image


days to go

Vacation Countdown

Feel excited by counting down to your deserved break with our unique, free widgets and extras.

Add Countdown

Look forward to your vacation by adding a free, beautiful countdown on Outside. Choose any widget style, customize your event, sync it to your calendar and add any friends or family joining you with our social countdown.

Home Screen Widgets

Home Screen Widgets

Lock Screen Widgets

Lock Screen Widgets

Live Activities

Live Activities

Customize your countdown

Choose a stunning photo to use as a background to your countdown. Personalize your plan by even changing how the countdown looks. To help you never forget your vacation, every plan includes free reminders which you can also customize.

Add Countdown
iPhone showing a create screen for a vacation countdown
iPhone showing a create screen for a vacation countdown


How do I create my Vacation countdown?

How do I invite people to my countdown?

What else can I use Outside for?

I love this app! It’s a great way to track your events and stuff. Would highly recommend to see how many days are left in your event and to make sure you don’t forget them!


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Great stuff! I will really get a lot of use out of this.


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Enjoying it so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing what other features may be in store!


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This is a great app!


Easy and intuitive access to countdowns. Loving the widgets! Super reliable, would recommend


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Just started using but I’m really impressed. Already planned upcoming birthdays and holidays. So easy and fun.


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Beach vacation header image